What is a Legalpoints.
Legal points are those when a legal problem arises and the legal issues that are raised to resolve it are called legal points.
Specific aspects or issues of the law that are critical to resolving legal disputes, interpreting legislation or understanding legal principles. These can include questions of statutory interpretation, constitutional issue, case law precedent procedure rules and regulatory compliance requirements.
Scale of justice.
Hammer of the law.
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What is law?
Definition of the "law".
The term "law" refers to system of rules and guidelines typically enforce through social institution or government.
- General definition: law is set of rules and principles established by a governing authority, which regulations the action of members within a society.it is enforced by governmental institution and is designed to maintain social order, protect individual rights and provide justice.
- Legal definition: in a legal context, law refers to the body of the rules recognized as binding on members of a community or society, which are enforceable through a system of court and other legal mechanisms.
Law can take various forams.
- Statutory law : law passed by legislative bodies such as a parlament.
- Comman law : Law devloped through judicial decisions and precedent
- Constitutional law : the body of law derived from constitution, outline the structure of government and right of individual .
- Administration law : regulation and rules create by government agencies.
- International law : rules and principles governing the relation between deferent countries.
Laws play crucial role in maintaining stability and functionality of society. Providing frameworks for behaviour and mechanisms for resolving conflicts.
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